Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hearing From Different Speakers

  Over the past few weeks, we have had some pretty interesting speakers come talk to us. A trend that I have seen with these last few is that they have talked about their lives outside of the medical field. This is nice to hear because it gives me hope that down the road when I want to have a family and continue pursuing my dreams in the medical field it is indeed doable. One of the key points that one of the doctors mentioned that really stuck with me is that you will need to ask for help and it is okay. I know that this may be a trouble point for myself because I am the type of person who wants to do everything herself to make sure its perfect.
   One speaker was an ER physician at the hospital who is actually the doctor in charge of the Crash studies we have been working on. He talked a little bit about his past research project on cardiac arrests and his work with the Huron Valley Ambulances. He also gave a very interesting presentation on his unique hobby - skydiving.  It is possible to have fun even with all the work you have to do!
   The other speaker that was really interesting was a radiologist from a private practice. The way she explained her practice really changed my perspective on what a radiologist actually does. They can specialize in a lot of different areas which I had no idea about.

    It is nice to hear about people working in lots of different fields because it gives me a better idea of what I may be interested in or not when I get older.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Learning to Balance My Time

From the first few weeks of school beginning I had to quickly learn to balance my time. Having this internship (10 hours) a week is basically like having a part time job. I felt like everything was happening at the exact same time! My first rounds of exams, rush, internship shifts, etc. I barely had time for the simple things in life such as grocery shopping or vacuuming.
I am thankful that the internship began at the beginning of the summer and we were able to become familiar with the ins and outs instead of having to learn that now when I have so much else going on in my mind.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to go into the hospital for my shifts or I hope that nothing happens while I’m there so I can work on schoolwork. This is one of the downfalls of having a non-paid internship; sometimes having little motivation to do it.

However, I have been enjoying the class part of it. We have had many more doctors come speak to us and they all have their own unique story, which I find so interesting. They have also briefly introduced another study that we will be starting hopefully in November.