Monday, October 13, 2014

Learning to Balance My Time

From the first few weeks of school beginning I had to quickly learn to balance my time. Having this internship (10 hours) a week is basically like having a part time job. I felt like everything was happening at the exact same time! My first rounds of exams, rush, internship shifts, etc. I barely had time for the simple things in life such as grocery shopping or vacuuming.
I am thankful that the internship began at the beginning of the summer and we were able to become familiar with the ins and outs instead of having to learn that now when I have so much else going on in my mind.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to go into the hospital for my shifts or I hope that nothing happens while I’m there so I can work on schoolwork. This is one of the downfalls of having a non-paid internship; sometimes having little motivation to do it.

However, I have been enjoying the class part of it. We have had many more doctors come speak to us and they all have their own unique story, which I find so interesting. They have also briefly introduced another study that we will be starting hopefully in November.

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