Monday, September 8, 2014

Looking Back/ Overall Insight

I have taken a very different approach than most students at the University.  I have been building a company Called SYRCH Inc. since my Junior year of high school when I first came up with the idea and began building out the concepts of the software.  Coming to the University I did not know what I wanted to study exactly.  My interest lies in business and technology.  I took all of the pre recs for the Business School and the School of Information.  Deciding not to apply to the Business School last minute and then a year later rejecting an offer from the School of Information to focus on my company.  I have been taking mostly classes that have help me further my knowledge to move my company forward.  I am now declared in the School of General studies with a certificate in Entrepreneurship.  I believe many classes I have taken helped me with my internship.  For example, in an Entrepreneurship I learned to build a power point to display a business idea.  I pitched an idea to my manager that I used the Bplan PowerPoint framework that I learned in that class.  Although I do not believe the Entrepreneurship class was technically an LSA course, LSA gave me the flexibility to engage and take that course. 

1 comment:

  1. It's not often that a student turns down opportunities like being in the School of Information; it sounds like you know what you want and what path will take you there. Good luck!
