Monday, August 4, 2014

Looking Back

As an Economics concentrator working in Real Estate Investment Management, I have not been exposed to the same amount of relevant information that say a Finance or Business major would be, but I have noticed that my experience at U of M has certainly helped me in my internship.  On a daily basis, I am asked to evaluate certain drivers of the real estate market that affect both supply and demand, which is the core of Economics.  This grasp of how different factors impact markets is instilled in me and has made it easier to look at a market and weight which factors are more or less important.  I can also see how factors are interconnected and that one small change in one can set off a chain reaction. 

Overall, I cannot point to one specific event that I encountered that particularly shocked me, but I can say that I surprised myself in a few instances.  I have always been a tad introverted and got anxiety speaking in front of a group of people, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to calmly speak with representatives from various properties on the phone on numerous occasions.  In addition to this, I was originally scared by the thought of working in Excel since I hadn’t had much prior experience, however, I picked the program up very quickly and now I can say that I am certainly proficient in my Excel work.


  1. I'm glad you learned those things about yourself! I also feel my internship helped me with excel a lot as well as feeling more comfortable talking in front of people or presenting in front of people in my office. Good luck with the rest of your internship!

  2. When we first think of what we learn at an internship we often think about work related skills, what we can put on a resume and stuff like that but it's awesome that you feel like you've learned a lot about yourself as a person too! These are the kind of skills that will last a lifetime.

  3. I definitely agree! My excel skills strengthened as well, which is very important because excel is used in many different fields.
