Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 5: Looking Back/Overall Insight at Phase One Network

In all honesty, my experience at U of M, regarding education, has not prepared me for my internship this summer; however, my freshman year did help me for my internship. I can't say that I have really applied any classroom knowledge to tasks I need to accomplish during my internship, but U of M did force me to change my habits to work harder and finish assignments quicker along with becoming better at time management.

Working as an A & R for an independent record label, I constantly have to find new popular talent that is creating a buzz. My experience at U of M has helped increase my knowledge for social media sites and other outlets to discover up-incoming DJs/Producers which directly correlates to my internship. By talking with friends and joining clubs around campus I learned a lot more about the music industry than I did before. My friends showed me new EDM artists that I never heard of and this led to me discovering underground artists that haven't quite blossomed yet, and having the ability to find that type of talent is exactly what I do at my internship. I also joined Big Ticket Productions at U of M. Big Ticket Productions (BTP) is a student run organization that puts on concerts for students at U of M. My experience with BTP was another resource I used to enhance my understanding for the entertainment industry. Although my liberal arts education did not really play a role in my internship success, my freshman year at U of M did help prepare me for my summer position.


  1. Though we spend a lot of time at college in classes and studying for exams, it is our experiences outside the classroom that often shape how we handle situations and learn to cope on our own in the real world. It's nice to be able to look back and see how you've grown as an individual and how your time at school (academic and otherwise) has helped you through your internship.

  2. I too feel as though the U of M has helped me work through tasks diligently and quickly!
