Monday, September 8, 2014

Changing Perspectives

I have not changed my perspective about this environment or myself.  I have built a further understanding of my true passions about the technology business.  Additionally, I understand how I can perform better as an individual in the work force.  For example, I believe I was micro managing when I was working with others. After studying other successful leaders and managers styles I took a step back and realized that I was able to ease off the people I was working with and rather then over seeing every detail I would start to empower them to work towards our goals.  I have also realized how much opportunity there is in this specific industry and that there are many different products that can be sold to the same clients.  This was great to understand because I was able to begin to see problems that the clients were having that were not already mapped with our current software products.  Additionally, I realized that many of the other potential clients did not have these new high tech systems and were in desperate need of them, making the current product extremely scalable.  Currently the company has only broken into 9% of their direct market.  Over the next 4-5 years they want to conquer around 18% of the direct market.  Meaning the company will be growing significantly and faster than it took for them to get into 9% since the software is already built.  This was another thing that really opened my mind about the opportunity for the company that I was not directly aware of. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your anecdote about micro-managing, which is something most of us do at one point or another, whether at work or school. You clearly learned about yourself and how to work around others successfully during your internship, which is as great of a reward as is the experience you gained.
