Tuesday, September 2, 2014

CEO for a Day

     If i was in charge of running this organization i would plan many more opportunities for colleague interaction in the work environment. Corporate law firms are very quiet and isolated as workers prefer to remain in their individual offices in order to efficiently complete contracts. This dedication to isolation truly leaves an empty feeling in the office space during the week. Therefore, if i was CEO of Troutman and Sanders, i would make enforced weekly colleague peer review sessions, so partners can sit down and review each others work or even just negotiate ideas. Furthermore i would make weekly lunches, dinners or even drinks in order to ensure a day of relaxation and interactions.


  1. I think it is a great idea to have colleagues to interact outside of the office. Its a great way to help build relationships and teams within an office!

  2. I agree that it's good to have employees get together outside of work from time to time! And I appreciate that as CEO, you would implement activities for employees to spend time together. I would have liked for the company I interned for to do something like that with the interns.
