Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

        I received feedback weekly from my employers because i was constantly working on important projects for the company. I was in charge of summarizing hundreds of employment agreements between clients of Troutman and Sanders. I have never seen a corporate contract before, so it took me awhile to understand certain phrases and how it is all organized. The first week my boss personally sat down and described the structure of a corporate contract and also specified which parts of it are of most importance. This process aided in my success later in the summer as i was able to summarize contracts and only include the useful, necessary information. I summarized about 20 different employee contracts and was truly surprised by my efficiency and ability to organize it all. My employer did tell me i did a great job, while obviously adding some constructive criticism in regard to my wording of the document. I felt productive and helpful by completing these tedious projects.

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