Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting to Know Your Colleagues

The colleagues at the company are all great.  Everyone is engaged and passionate about their work.  There are a couple different people that I look up to and want to further understand their career paths.  Their passion, focus, past and current accomplishments make me admire them.  I took some time to speak to them about where they started and what they had to do in order to get to this spot in the professional world.  One is the CEO who has built the company from the ground up. It came from an idea in the car to reality and years later, to having major clients and a big system that is growing everyday.  To follow the career path he suggested to work within an industry that you have passion for and understand it inside and out.  There are many problems that arise in the work place.  Look for the one that will be solving the biggest problem for the people that work with in the industry.  Once you find this problem begin building software solutions around the out dated process, while maintaining, and building a very good relationship with potential buyer of the software.  Listen to the problems that they run into everyday.  These potential buyers will give you feedback about your software helping you evolve it. 

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