Thursday, September 11, 2014

Looking Back

How has your experience at UofM prepared you for your internship?  
My experience at UMich has definitely been helpful. I used a lot of my science classes for the work that I was doing, and it's always nice to know those classes are paying off! Other than that, the research experience I got working in my lab helped me adjust really quickly to my work here. My networking skills definitely grew during the internship, and building off of the little networking skill I had when I got here was something I think will really benefit me when looking into graduate school.
This is my third internship, so I wasn't very surprised by anything. If I had to pick something, I suppose the amount of independence I was given was kind of new, but I thrive in that kind of an environment, so it worked out really well. I guess that also comes with how much experience an intern has. Other than that it was all very straightforward, which was nice for me!

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