Thursday, September 11, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles

Well I have to say, making this blog post makes me super grateful for how amazing this internship has been.

·       Ask for feedback from your employer! Assess what you are doing well, and what could be improved.
I asked Kendra, my supervisor and mentor, for feedback and her only criticism was that I worry to much and am sort of a perfectionist. Other than that I seem to be doing really well. I always get my work done on time, usually ahead of time, I've got office etiquette down and everyone seems to like me, I always ask lots of questions. It felt nice to be told I'm a good intern.

·       Did you surprise yourself with how you handled a particular task? What was that task? Did you enjoy doing that task? Why?
ItI did sort of surprise myself with how well I handled an animal emergency when none of my superiors were around. Obviously I didn't enjoy the task because an animal was sick, but I was pretty proud of myself for handling it well by calling the right people and taking care of the animal. It turned out to be just fine :)

·       What challenges did you face? How did you handle them? What did you learn from the experience? Knowing what you know now, would you handle things differently? 
I didn't really have many issues at all. Mostly I would've tried to socialize more, it was challenging for me to be put into a brand new place full of people who were already friends. Other than that I think my experience went really well and I wouldn't change a thing.

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