Monday, September 15, 2014

Looking back

Look back, my experience in Jordan was priceless. I really enjoyed my stay over there. Quite honestly, I don't think I will miss Amman as a city, but I will deeply miss the people and the relationships that i have made in that city. I have got to know some of the most amazing people in my life, regardless of the devil that live has brought upon them.

Even though people differed greatly from one to another, there wasn't any discrimination. One of my coworkers, she comes from an extremely wealthy family background with a lot of money; the other one of my coworker comes from Gaza, and a impoverished financial background. In the States, one will automatically assume that those two people will not be friends, and that there will be a social hierarchy between the two of them, in which the one from the wealthier family would have a higher social status. Wrong. Everyone was treated equity in there. This was one of the best things I have witness, in which people are in complete harmony with no discrimination based on the skin color, origin, backgrounds, or financials. I really wish that there is something similar in the United States, and people can really put aside all the negative views on others who are not financial wealthy.

I also vividly remember my first day moving into the house with my host family. They were extremely welcoming with respect to my personal items. Over the 2 months that I stayed with them, I felt like as if they were my families- grandpa, grandma, sister, and brothers. They took care of me when I was sick; they cooked for me when I came back from work; they chatted with me when I needed someone to talk to. It was great to know that they took me in as one of them, and did not treat me as just another tenant.

Once again, looking back in Amman, I have learn so much and started to appreciate what I have a ton more. It is unbelievable to learn how people survive with minimal personal needs, but still maximizing their utilities. I have deep respective for all my friends, and I wish to reunite with them once more in the coming future.

I miss Jordan- just the people.

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