Thursday, May 22, 2014

D.C. Bound: My Initial Impressions of Interning at the Smithsonian

This summer, I am spending roughly three months interning at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. More specifically, I am working in the entomology department (BUGS!) with parasitoid wasps, which are just one part of the order Hymenoptera. What is amazing about these wasps is the enormous multitude of species that exists, many of which are not even categorized yet. 

Unfortunately, I cannot say much yet about the actual work I am doing or post any pictures of the lab until I get more official approval that I can make this information public. This is because the Smithsonian Institution is technically run by the government so making sure I have official permission is one of my priorities. Most likely, though, I will get approval and will be able to post more information about my actual work soon!
For now I have plenty of Washington, D.C. pictures to share and I can talk about my initial impressions of what it is like to live and intern in the nation's capital.
Every morning I ride a bus and then get on the metro with the 52,948,47384 other people heading to work downtown (not an exact count but it feels like that). It is a bit hectic and everyone seems to be rushing, but I don't mind. It would not feel like the real experience of living in D.C. if I didn't crowd into the subway and run up the escalators with everyone else. Then I have a short walk to the museum and I join all of the other entomology interns.
so crowded!
National Mall
I love working at this museum because throughout the exhibits and the labs the entire atmosphere is focused on learning. It is wonderful to be surrounded by so many other people who love science. Beyond the National Museum of Natural History, I really enjoy being surrounded by so many other national buildings and monuments. There is something important to see on every corner and I am very grateful I get to walk by them every day! For example, I am very close to the National Archives and the Washington Monument, in addition to many other landmarks.

National Archives
For housing, I am staying at American University. They offer housing to interns over the summer so I am living in a building filled entirely with other students interning around D.C. It is very interesting to hear all of the different projects students are working on and to hear them talk about their interests in these subjects. Everyone seems very motivated and goal oriented which is very inspiring. It helps me remember to keep working as hard as I can at this internship.
a picture of me outside the museum (until I can post a picture of me inside the lab)
National Museum of Natural History
Until next time!


  1. Wow this looks really cool, Morgan. Hopefully you can take some pictures of the lab itself and give some more details about the work you're doing. Looks really interesting though. And a great city.

    1. It is quite the city. There is always something to do and I love that.

      Here is what I have been up to at the internship! :) Thanks for commenting.
