Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week 2: I'm a Big Kid Now

I've never worked a day in my life. I can't tell you how gratifying it is to get up everyday and walk to work in the busiest city in America, not get lost, and then work til 5. I feel like a real adult in the workforce and I'm diggin it. But this is not your typical 9-5 job.

This week, a designer came in to my boss's at home office and we sat around the table talking about his preview event coming up in June. I'll be honest and say that I didn't say a word. I just sat there, smiling and nodding my head.

And after he left, I spent the rest of the day updating information in Excel spreadsheets. This is how it's been almost everyday: something really rad and something very "intern-esque." Sometimes I do that typical intern stuff like organizing magazines and calling to set up a hotel room, but don't get me wrong, this is no Devil Wears Prada set up. My boss, Kelly, is a gem of a lady and I'm learning a lot about PR, so I'm happy to put my OCD to good use and sort some mags.

But here's an example of an actual project I did. So, Kelly had an event in Paris next week for Deborah Lippmann Nails and she was freaking out that no one was going to come. I mean, what's worse than throwing a rager for one? So she had me investigate upscale, trendy Parisian bloggers to invite. And these girls are socialites so they help elevate the brand if they put the event on their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (By the way, we should all drop out of U of M and be bloggers because these girls get paid and get so much free swag just for blogging.) So I spent all day trying to guess if someone is cool in French. Personally, I think everything sounds cooler in French. But after a long day of hunting down contact info for these ladies, they actually came to the event! That felt really cool to know that the event didn't stop on the lame train because I did the hard work to get these girls to come.

So I love my job. If Excel were a person, I'd punch them in the face, but other than that, I really love my job.

 Here are some pics of this week's desk aka the kitchen table!
And coming home to this little monkey makes long Mondays on Excel so much better. And that concludes week 2! 

1 comment:

  1. Can totally relate to your excel pain! But this sounds like a fantastic experience, keep us updated!
