Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Day at the DNC!

Hello Everybody!

So today I had my first day at my internship with the Democratic National Committee. Their headquarters are on the hill, off the Capitol South metro stop (thank god it was not that confusing and super close to foggy bottom where I am staying!).

First walking in was a bit intimidating since there is a bunch of security, but all of us interns (there are 48 of us) were brought into a conference room and we went through orientation for most of the day. We heard some great people speak like DNC CEO Amy Dacy. There are a interns from all over the country and some from different parts of the world. There is a big community aspect to this program which I love. They are scheduling tours for all of the interns to take together, as well as brown bag lunches so we can all bond.

The 48 of us are pretty much sprawled out over many different departments, with the Political Department having the most interns. Me, I am in the Marketing Department. We are in a cozy corner of the building by the Finance and Digital Departments (two polar opposites with one being very put together and the latter being more of the hipster persuasion).

The first thing me and the two other marketing interns noticed when we got to our department, was that the ladies of the marketing department (no guys in site) love to throw potlucks. Think of Michael Scott with his grill at The Office.

Looks like we will be dealing with a ton of fundraising initiatives. While it won't be high profile fundraising with high price tags, it is going to be more focused on what everyday people donate. We even sat in on a briefing today about a fundraising initiative being launched to help people have their donations be processed automatically.

I am excited to see how the rest of the week goes, tomorrow I am told we will be helping to take inventory of the Democratic merchandise that is going to be utilized on a new platform (more pictures to follow!).

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really cool experience! It's nice that there are so many interns there that you got to interact with, always a little less intimidating when you know you're not the only one! It'll be interesting to hear from them about the different experiences in the various departments.
