Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 2 – Getting to know my colleagues

I posted my first blog prior to the prompts, so just to continue with that a bit…
I felt that the communication within my internship site is very casual. It is not a strict office with many rules, meaning people can casually talk as they work when they please. Because it is casting, it is a more casual environment as a whole. The office is filled with character and creative expression, so people can dress how they want to as long as it is appropriate. It is not a formal business casual dress code. This makes going to work more exciting because I can wear outfits that show my personality, rather than traditional professional clothing which I am sure I will wear later on with other opportunities.
After my second week at Zan Casting, I began to feel a lot more comfortable with the people I am working with. Zan, the owner and founder of Zan Casting, has been extremely friendly and willing to explain any questions I’ve had about the casting industry, especially because I do not know much about it. Zan and Stefanie, another casting director who I work with, both take time out of their days to teach me new jobs I can do in order to help with casting projects. Both Zan and Stefanie are extremely approachable and I feel very comfortable asking them for advice when I do not know how to handle situations in the best way.
In order to follow the career path of someone at my internship, I would definitely need to get more experience in the casting industry. I would want to look for other opportunities to work with casting, whether it be at school, or next summer as well to expand my knowledge in this industry.

Overall, Zan Casting is a very friendly environment where I feel comfortable asking questions and giving my input when group discussions are going on. I was nervous at first because I am the only intern on some days, but once the days went by I felt that they actually valued my opinion!

Attached is a picture of my office. It is small but I really like the atmosphere! 

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that you feel so comfortable so quickly in your work environment and that you are able to work closely with the owner/founder because you will be able to learn so much from that. And I happen to think your work space looks great, much better than a cubicle! Is the casting industry something you plan on pursuing post college?
