Monday, May 26, 2014

First week in Baltimore

It’s midnight on Monday night and I’m sitting at the small desk in the room I’ve subleased, writing this blog. It feels like all I’ve done for the first week of my internship is write, which is great, because it’s a journalism internship and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. 

Like most newsrooms, and sports desks in particular, the place where I’m working is largely composed of middle-aged, white men. The internship coordinator told me to dress “business casual,” which I took as khakis and a button-down shirt. I’ve seen people in suits and people in a polo shirt and jeans, so that seems to be a happy medium. Fortunately, the weather hasn’t gotten to the point where I’m desperate to be wearing shorts and a T-shirt. 

I spent the first three days in the newsroom, where I bounced from free desk to free desk because I apparently wasn’t assigned one for the summer. That was initially a frustration, but it forced me to interact with different people each day and network. I bet they even looked me up on LinkedIn.

The next four days were at the ballpark for the Baltimore Orioles’ four-game home series.
Best office I could’ve ever asked for. I even get my meals reimbursed.

Tomorrow begins week two. My worry is that the Orioles are on the road for a 10-game, 11-day road trip, and I’m not sure what they’ll have me doing (if anything) until they return. I also don’t really have a set schedule, which is fine because I don’t have other responsibilities right now, but it’s something I’m not entirely used to. 


  1. This sounds awesome- Keep us updated on what you do when the team isn't around!

  2. This seems like an awesome internship! Good luck. The view looks spectacular-- great photo! I used to live in Potomac, Maryland which is pretty close by so I attended some Orioles games. Go Orioles!
