Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Day At HollywoodLife!

Today I completed my first day interning at HollywoodLife by Bonnie Fuller. I arrived to the office, which is located in New York City near Times Square. Walking to my office was not a far walk from Grand Central, which I greatly appreciated because I am commuting into the city.

Once my boss arrived to the office, I was immediately put to work. I figured I would be making coffee, stapling papers and being of assistance to whoever needed help; however, that was exactly the opposite of the work I performed on my first day! I greatly appreciated that. My boss, Katrina, who is a very lovely lady told me to sit next to the other interns who were currently writing a story for the website. I was told to take notes on how to use the websites blogging system and how to ultimately create a finalized blog page. I learned how to embed videos, photographs, create polls etc. At first it was very overwhelming trying to learn how to use our systems program called WordPress; however, I eventually mastered the basics and was able to write three stories for Katrina by the end of the day. Two of them actually went up on the website which I was super proud about!

Below are the blogs I created on my first day at HollywoodLife which were actually published to the website. Check them out if you're interested!

Hollywood Life Blog 1
Hollywood Life Blog 2- Day 1.

Below is just a screen-shot one of my blogs that were posted onto the website today. I was extremely excited to see what I wrote be put up online and have my name at the end of the article. It was a very gratifying feeling!

I am very excited to return back to work tomorrow and look forward to all that I will learn here interning at HollywoodLife.

-Morgan McCarthy


  1. Morgan,
    So glad that you are getting the experience that you hoped for! It sounds like you will develop some marketable and tangible skills by the end of your time at HollywoodLife. Any ideas of projects that you want to work on in future? Let me know if you're ever on the Upper East Side (I'm in NYC too)!

  2. Morgan, your internship sounds fantastic! It is so great that HollywoodLife is giving you exciting assignments right off the bat. I loved the blogs you created, keep posting more for us to see!

  3. That's so wonderful that you're getting real assignments! What great learning experience; can't wait to hear more!
