Saturday, May 17, 2014

My first weeks at Make-A-Wish® Michigan!

   I have now been working at Make-A-Wish® Michigan for two weeks, and so far my job is going pretty well. I am working under Lauren who is the In-Kind manager. Basically my job is to call companies to get donations for children's wishes and Make-A-Wish events.
   On my first day I was nervous. I was not sure what to wear and what exactly my job would entail, but once I arrived, I felt much more at ease. The dress code is business casual which is what I had planned for. Lauren took me on a tour around the office and I met most of the people that work there; every employee is female which makes the environment really comfortable for me. The office is pretty standard besides the wish room. The wish room is a place where children come to speak with volunteers about their wish; it is colorful with comfy chairs and lots of toys. I found the desk that I will get to work at on Tuesdays, but on Thursdays I just sit at an empty table.
   During my first week, I had to complete introductory courses that are required for all Make-A-Wish employees. The courses were long and boring, but I definitely learned a lot about the Make-A-Wish organization. After I finished these courses, I began researching possible silent auction items for an event in Grand Rapids in June. The research and calling is interesting, but it is difficult for me to look at a computer all day and not get a little bored. Hopefully I will get to do some more interesting things along the way.
  The most difficult part of my job so far is that I have only worked with Lauren once. She only comes in to the office on Tuesdays, but this week she was also on vacation. She is easy to contact, but I wish I had someone around the office that I could go to with my specific questions. I think over the course of the internship, I should get used to the more individual working environment.

This is my Make-A-Wish t-shirt! 


  1. During the school year I worked for Hillel phonaton where I was responsible for calling alumni/students parents for donations, which is very similar to what your job seems to entail. My advice for you would be to not get discouraged if people aren't willing to donate or are rude on the phone! It's really interesting that you had to take courses before starting your internship, but that's good that you learned from them because it'll probably help you a lot in the long run. Looking forward to hearing more about your internship- best of luck!

  2. Hey Olivia! I'm also interning at Make-a-Wish in the Development Department. Isn't it crazy that it's all women? I was a little worried that there would be gossip and office politics because of this, but everyone seems really friendly and eager to help so far. I also am looking at a computer screen for most of the day (it seems that most of the employees there are), and it does make your eyes hurt after a while. Hopefully, more interesting projects start coming your way!

  3. This seems like a really interesting internship because of the opportunity to learn more about how such a famous organization works. Most people only see the end result of what they do. Even if it might get a little boring at times at least you know the work will pay off for the wish kids! Have a good weekend!
