Thursday, May 15, 2014

My First Week!

This week I began my first internship ever at a casting agency in New York City called Zan Casting. Before I got there, I really did not know what to expect at all. I knew it was a small company that focused mostly on fashion, editorials, and some film, but aside from that, I did not know much about casting at all. Now, after four days of work, I have learned so much more than I expected to in such a short amount of time.
When I got there on the first day, the casting director talked me through what many of my responsibilities are for the summer. These responsibilities include greeting models and actors who come into the office for casting, getting their information, and afterwards, creating layouts on Photoshop from the photographs taken in the office. Other responsibilities include checking fashion blogs daily and researching the new faces that are not already in the casting agency’s database. Overall, my main jobs are making sure everything is organized in order to help make casting for jobs of clients easier and more efficient.
After four days of working at Zan, I have experienced many different types of “typical” days at a casting agency. On Tuesday there was a large casting for a commercial, and nearly 100 models came in throughout the day to audition. It was a really interesting experience to watch these models come in and audition. It must have been such a typical routine for them, however for me it was an experience I had never had before. I’m looking forward to continuing working this summer and expanding my knowledge of casting because I do not know much about it!

Attached is a picture of my office. It is a very small space, however so much goes on simultaneously in this little space. In the back is where models audition. There is a white wall used for photographing. I sit at the front computer on the right side. Where I am standing to take the picture is the waiting area for models when they come in to audition.


  1. My internship is similar with having such a small space, but it's amazing what all can be done with it! Definitely sounds like an awesome experience. I'm sure you'll meet a ton of interesting people!

  2. It sounds like you've already gotten a lot of hands-on experience, which is amazing. Like your job a "typical" day at my office can still bring many changes from the day before, so it's good you're getting acclimated to that. Is casting the field you are interested in going into?
