Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Week at Katz Direct

This week I began my internship at Katz Media Group, a company that controls advertisement placement for the television channels they own.  To be honest, prior to my interview a few weeks ago, I was very unfamiliar with an office environment. Neither of my parents have office jobs so my only exposure to cubicles was images on television.

During my interview it was explained to me that the organization of the cubicles as well as their unusually low dividers was intentional. They are set up in a way conducive to interaction between co-workers therefore facilitating communication and allowing questions to be answered and group projects to be completed.

I have been given my own desk equipped with a computer and storage draws that is located in a circular cubicle that I share with two paid employees.  One of them, having started as an intern as well, has been very helpful guiding me through the processes and introducing me to other employers. Thus far, everyone has been incredibly friendly and helpful towards me.

The office environment seems very positive and interactive. There is a diverse range of employers regarding race, ethnicity, and gender, though that does not seem to hinder any exchanges between individuals. Those with management positions have their own offices, surrounding cubicles, but they all keep their doors open and are very wiling to answer questions or provide guidance.

I look forward to becoming better accustomed to this type of enviroment and better acquainted with the people I work with. 


  1. Sounds like a great working atmosphere! Good luck on the internship. It is really great that everyone in the office seems to be friendly and able to assist you if need be!

  2. Sounds like a great start to what will be a great experience for you! It so important to familiarize with all different office types to prepare for the future and you are doing just that!

  3. I absolutely agree, it's important to familiarize yourself with a number of different working environments so you're prepared in the future. The fact that you're atmosphere is comforting and the people you work with are helpful will have a positive reflection on your work and communication abilities. I hope you're still enjoying your internship!
