Friday, May 16, 2014

The Very First Week

My first week at Screaming Flea productions was not that eventful. I was given a tour of the office and met everyone and learned their jobs. The studio is in the industrial district of South Seattle. I spent my first day transcribing clips from a show that is in production. The show is about fishing, and for around 2 hours (after the tour) I spent carefully typing up everything that the characters said. It is a tedious job, but it is important and I know that the writers will be using my work later. I am not the biggest fan of transcribing but I will have to hone my skills because I know that I will have to do more of it soon. For the rest of the week, I researched different story ideas for the development team. In order to begin working towards producing a show there must be an adequate amount of research. The two subjects I spent a lot of time on were Presidential Pardons and cases of real-life resurrection as a result of prayer. It was pretty cool using my skills from research projects at school this year to contribute something to the team that would use it. I look forward to more tasks like this, but definitely hope I will be able to sit in on development meetings and other aspects of production. 


  1. My job is also quite tedious, so I feel ya on that one! Developing story ideas sounds very interesting, especially the two that you researched. What part of film production did you initially want to work on/ learn about?

  2. What exactly is the purpose of your internship? What does Screaming Flea productions do?

  3. Although it sounds like a lot of the work that you partook in this past summer was tedious work, it is definitely must have been nice to know that the writers would be using your work later on. Were you able to do any other tasks?
