Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 1 in Perth

This summer I'm doing an internship in Perth Australia for their local professional baseball team, the Perth Heat. I'll specifically be doing marketing, but as it's a small organization I'll get to experience most of the departments in one way or another. While mostly the American MLB owns the league, it's still sort of a grassroots organization with a front office staff of 6. 

I arrived last Saturday after about 36 hours of travel, which ended up not being as bad as I originally thought. After catching up on some sleep and settling in on Sunday, I headed into work Monday morning. Right away I was given a lot of responsibility, which was nice and gave me independence, but also a little intimidating because I'm so new and didn't want to screw up anything. This week has mostly just been a lot of emails and reaching out to people in the community to gain sponsorship and increase attendance. 

The office environment is really relaxed with people wearing anything from suits to leggings and a t-shirt and the staff are very open and easy to be around. It's a fairly young group too with the general manager being only 29, which is nice to be around. I'm living in a house right near the offices with the other interns and we're all either in college or recent grads so it feels like living back in Ann Arbor. The pictures attached are of the current offices which are in trailers while they build new ones.


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome your manager is so young! What are some pros and cons of having young people to work with?
