Friday, May 30, 2014

More Meetings!

For most of the day this week, I worked wit the development team. I helped with more research and was able to sit in on another development meeting. Again, this was very important and interesting to me. I was able to hear more about where the development team was going with the show and how each person on the team was able to contribute to the brainstorm and work toward creating a show that the network would approve of. I really want to make sure I can sit in on another one of these meetings. It was great to see how each person had their own ideas and had their own styles of contribution.

Another day, I worked on organization of master tapes and DVDs. It was my task to make sure that the master tapes and DVDs of past seasons were entered into a word document and it was clear what was in each box. While this was basic data entry, I found it interesting and important. Archiving shows is something that must be taken seriously and I wanted to make sure I knew what each timecode meant and what each abbreviation and how to properly organize each tape and each DVD. A task that seemed menial at first became more interesting the more I looked into it. I hope that I can learn more about the technical side of things at my internship. 


  1. After only 2 weeks, the excel spreadsheets are making me want to toss my laptop out the window! I might have to try your perspective and remind myself that the tedious tasks are actually really important

  2. It's awesome you have such a great outlook. Your internship sounds like you can get a lot out of it if you keep this outlook up!
