Tuesday, July 22, 2014

CEO of F-Factor

As I imagine what I would change if I were CEO of F-Factor for a day, I certainly think about how great of an experience I have had yet the few things that could’ve changed my time here. In the beginning of June when I first began my internship the office was crowded, it was the time before everyone went away on vacation or truly began their summer plans. Therefore there were a lot of clients and a lot of interns. There are 3 computers for interns to work on we had 5 or 6 interns certain days of the week during June. Due to this fact, half of the interns, including myself, were sent on a mission. We were sent to local grocery stores/health food stores to find the products that were F-Factor approved. These stores were not far from the office yet the walks outdoors, and the time looking at the shelves of the store rather than the screen of the computer was valuable. We analyzed nutrition labels and searched for new healthy products. This experience was something I thoroughly enjoyed yet after a few weeks we had gone to most of the health food stores around and even began walking a bit further to a bigger grocery store such as Food Emporium. However, the stores ran out and therefore this task came to a halt. If I were CEO for a day I would create more tasks similar to this one in order to let the intern’s eyes transfer from the computer to the nutrition labels. Not only did this task allow me to find new products that were healthy but also allowed me to inhale fresh air, regroup, and consequently have a more successful rest of the day in the office. 

Here are two healthy products that I found at the local Whole Foods: 


  1. This is a great idea and I agree with you that internships should involve more hands on elements that don't require you to stare at a computer all day. Not only does it give our eyes a rest, but it allows us to use our brains in a different way than we do every day. You should suggest this to your supervisor before you leave!

  2. I really love this idea too, and I think it could not only be great for interns but for all levels of employees! Using your brain in a different way and going outside for a little might be the spark of your next great idea.
