Monday, July 14, 2014

Changing Perspectives At HollywoodLife

The past month and a half has been interesting to say the least. I’ve learned a lot about a world I’d never looked at before. HollywoodLife is primarily an entertainment news company and personally, I’ve never followed entertainment news. The music I generally listen to is older, and most of the shows I watch we don’t really cover here. Since my arrival, I’ve learned that there is an enormous market for not only following the music and movies people watch, but also a massive interest in the lives of those who make them. In other words, the artists are often just as important as their art. This is an idea I never gave much thought, but it seems to make a lot of sense now. Also, after reading a little bit deeper into the lives of these actors and musicians from cutting interviews and such, I’ve found that I find myself more interested in their shows or movies or music after learning more about who they are and why they do what they do. This makes the world of entertainment news not just exciting for those who find themselves fascinated with celebrity life but in fact very profitable for the musicians and actors themselves because it draws their audience in deeper. 


  1. This sounds like a cool internship. It's interesting that you are stepping outside of what you know and getting a taste for something different!

  2. That is so cool that you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone for this internship! It sounds like you are going to learn a lot, good luck!

  3. Though I have always been interested in the entertainment industry, my internship at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show has showed me how much I've limited myself regarding content as well. As Tara and Selena also mentioned, that's really great that you allowed yourself to gain experience in a division you're not necessarily interested in going into!
