Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Last Week at Cantor Fitzgerald

The Last Week at Cantor Fitzgerald- Victoria Dey

I can't believe my time at Cantor is coming to an end, it feels like yesterday that I was writing my first post about how nervous I was. This past week has been very busy; on Tuesday, we had our intern party at Lavo nightclub in the city. I had a lot of fun and got to meet the CEO, Howard Lutnick. He made a speech and really took the time to personally introduce himself to all of the interns, asking questions about how we liked the internship and about our personal lives. This was a really great setting to engage with the traders and just get to know them in a stress-free environment.

Howard Lutnick speaking at Lavo
This has also been the week where our groups present our final presentations. The first group went on Tuesday, going over their marketing structure proposal for Cantor. Our group went this morning where we explained our proposal for improving Cantors Account Management List (AMS). We made an excel sheet on our own terms of the underperforming accounts and made sure to point out how close the main Cantor office is to the office of the account. We proposed one way to fix this is to make sure the accounts office is assigned to the closest Cantor office so Cantors relationship with the client is very strong. Our main takeaway was that communication is key between all Cantor floors and offices.

                                                      Market Structure group presentation

Overall, my experience at Cantor has been great. I have learned so much over the past eight weeks and really made some great connections. Although I didn't know much about this field coming into the internship, I worked very hard and took the time to learn through the other traders, interns and assignments I was given. I hope I was able to make an impression because Cantor Fitzgerald really made an impact on my goals for the future.


  1. Victoria,

    It looks like you did a great job on your final presentation. Its always good to make connections because they can always help you in the future. Congrats on completing your summer internship!

  2. Awesome that you enjoyed your time at Cantor Fitzgerald! Also - sounds like your final presentation with your co-interns went well... you must've learned so much about the industry over the course of your internship
