Monday, July 28, 2014

Week One: Environment/Initial Impressions at Phase One Network

This summer I am interning at Phase One Network, a music company that categorizes itself as a digital asset management company (pictures attached of the assets/record labels they've acquired), rather than being defined as a record label. Phase One Network is a small company around eight to twelve employees and is based in New York City. The company has a few different departments such as Marketing, Legal, Accounting, A & R, Programming, and Managerial roles, even though they only have a few employees. In regards to office protocol, it seems that each department has specific tasks and goals that they try to accomplish. These assignments are given by the CEO of the company and my boss, the General Manager. Every week we have a staff meeting where these assignments are given. There isn't really a required dress code enforced at Phase One and everyone is very laid back and casual in that regard. The style of dress, interestingly enough, differs from each department. The Accounting and Legal departments seem to wear button downs and jeans mostly while the Marketing and A & R departments wear the more "trendy" clothing that is in right now. The company has a very diverse workplace. Although there are only a few female employees, the company is filled with many different races and religions, and everyone works well together.


  1. Do you get to sit in on the meetings at the beginning of the week with the CEO? I think that's great that the CEO is so directly involved with the employees each week. And the concept of having weekly tasks sounds very organized and efficient. Good luck with your internship!

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  3. Yes I joined in on the staff meetings; it was really cool because I got to hear from all sides of the company.
