Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 4 at the Union Tribune: Changing Perspectives

I would say the biggest perspective that has changed from my first day is the nature of how I am expected to work. I sit at a desk very isolated from my boss or editor and no one cares what I am doing. Unlike other jobs or internships I am at my own freedom to stay on task or get distracted. It has been a good experience because I have to focus for myself and to perform well, not for the nature of the environment I am in.

This week I interviewed a chef who has recently started his own hot sauce line. I spoke with him for two hours as he showed me around his new factory and talked about the three different flavor hot sauces he has created. It was interesting to see how passionate he was and when I got back to the office and started working on the story, it really translated through my writing. I spent the most time on this story and gave it the most effort because I spent a significant time in person with the chef and his business partner. My perspective changed significantly of who the business owners were before and after I met them.


  1. Hi Claire,

    Self-direction is expected at my internship as well. Sometimes it's hard to stay on track, but I think that working independently is an important lesson in the workplace.

    Your interview with the chef sounds really interesting! It's great to hear how their passion for their food made you write an arguably better article because you didn't want to let them down. That's a great quality to have when you're writing a press article, because that same passion will translate from your article to your readers. Do you think that your perspective has changed on how you approach interviewing?

  2. This sounds really interesting! I completely agree with what you're saying about staying on task. I sit in one large room with the rest of the employees, but nobody really watches what I am doing. Even though I want to get off task, I have to remind myself of what I'm here to do.
