Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week 2: My Colleagues and Company Improvement

It's nice to see that even in the two weeks that I've been working with The UGA Vault crew, I've been able to see actual forward progress with the company. This week, we reached out to a sports blog,, and they've offered to do our social media platforming for us. My boss told me that he's going to assign me to help with them as well, since he's really liked all of the creative ideas I've come up with so far. Additionally, we had a booth set up this weekend in Athens, Ga. for a UGA kickoff event. Hundreds of people came by the booth to take pictures, grab memorabilia, and spread the word for our app! It's important to me that I see progress with a startup, since there are shreds of doubt inside me regarding the future success of the company. It's going to be a long time before our idea really gets big, but if we can fulfill our entire long-term plans, it really does have a future.

My environment has been incredibly laid-back, as have my co-workers. It doesn't always create the best structure within the company, but it does have its benefits. Mostly, I feel that my ideas are being truly valued. My boss is very open-minded to my ideas, as well as any ideas from other workers or even outsiders as to improving the company. It allows him to leave every door open and even create new opportunities that didn't exist before, and I really admire that. I've worked with other people who haven't been so open-minded to creativity and new ideas, and it was a pain to confront them with my ideas, and I didn't feel like I played an important role within the company. That's different here. Additionally, my boss has allowed me to collaborate with different groups that work with/within the company, so that I can get a feel for whatever part of the business that I want to be a part of, and he's setting me up with the opportunity to work with great professionals in their individual fields, either for social media, advertising, technology, etc. so that I can have a great learning experience from the best. My boss is someone who I can definitely see myself working for for a while, and I look forward to continuing to learn from him and the others around me, since I find everything both interesting and quite fun.


  1. Hi Evan,

    It sounds like you're having a great time interning under your boss and with your team! It's great to hear that you feel like your ideas are being valued - I think that feeling valued plays a huge role in comfort level/satisfaction with the company. Out of all the fields of the UGA Vault that you've dabbled in, which has been your favorite? Does the culture change from field to field? In my internship, I've stayed pretty much within the boundaries of marketing/communications, so I think it's great that you've had the opportunity to branch out and sample other fields.

    1. The culture is pretty much the same with whatever I'm working on and whoever I'm working with. It's such a small startup right now that I'm not really working with lots of different people in the different fields. The social media side is pretty cool-I've never used twitter or instagram for myself before, but I'm getting a feel for those and why so many people use them both. It's also cool to be on the side of things where we really want to post a lot for people to see, as opposed to my personal posts which don't come often since I don't care to bombard others' newsfeeds with my own posts all the time.

  2. It's great to hear how open to new ideas your boss is and how he really wants to see you learn and grow with the company, as that isn't always so prevalent with internships. You mentioned that you have some doubts of how successful you think this startup but I think the openness of the company helps shed light on the mindset of the owner and it seems like The UGA Vault is showing signs of growth.
