Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Field Trip- NYSE

New York Stock Exchange

Within the last few days a lot has been going on, we not only switched desks for the third time but we had a field trip. Last Thursday we took our long anticipated field trip to the New York Stock Exchange, which could not have been any better.

After going through security, we got a brief lesson on the history of the NYSE and what aspects have changed over the years. There was a room filled with pictures, handwritten letters and documents dating back to the early 20th century where we were able to see how different the NYSE looked back in the day. After, we were brought to a balcony where we could overlook the whole entire floor. Although I know most of what goes on is now computerized and you don't need tickets for every trade, I didn't think the floor would be as quiet as it actually was. There were probably close to 100 people, from what I could see at least, and most of them were wearing these big blue jackets to distinguish which company they represented and specifically what their job was.

Eventually we made our way downstairs where we were able to walk on the floor and interact with different people. We were there at 4pm so we witnessed the ringing of the bell to signal the closing of the market. In addition, this is the time CNBC airs to discuss the market for the day so we were able to sit right in on the show. I could not have asked for a better experience!  



  1. This is a really cool experience to be at the NYSE. I am sure you learned a lot here especially from being able to sit and watch CNBC as it aired. This sounds like it was a great day filled with new insights. Hopefully you can take more field trips similar to this one in the future!

  2. The trip to the NYSE seems so cool! Was it really loud and fast paced?

  3. This looks so cool Victoria! Who all did you go with? That is neat that you could be there when the markets closed at 4.

  4. Jeremy- I thought it was going to be but it actually wasn't as intense as I presumed. Since most of what is traded is now done by computers, not as many people are needed on the floor so it was not as hectic as I anticipated.
    Emily- I went with my advisor and the rest of my intern group on my floor. Our advisor has a good friend that works on the floor so he was able to give us a tour and explain to us the history of the NYSE!
