Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Learning Experience

Earlier this week my co intern, Spencer, and I got to have a personal meeting with the EVP and Head of A&R here at Atlantic Records. This was probably one of the most rewarding experiences I've had so far here. Being able to hear his story of how he made it to where he is now was quite inspirational. Not to mention how unbelievable it is that he has worked with so many well known artists and how he played a real part in their success (teaming them with certain producers/songwriters).

Naturally, since working here I've had a lot of questions about the industry and working with artists. A lot of them have been answered by doing my day to day work and asking supervisors in the office, although, talking to an executive was definitely the most informative.

There's no better way to learn than to ask questions and talk to those who have already experienced what you're currently going through.

- Andrew

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you feel comfortable asking questions and that you feel like you are learning a lot. I agree that the best way to learn is asking questions and have found this to be true into internship as well.
