Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Post #3: Overcoming Obstacles at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show

With the casual atmosphere at z100 it is often difficult to determine where the line is between serious work and informal conversation. I spend a lot of my time there chatting and joking around with Ronnie, the production manager who I work underneath. After being there for a few weeks now, we have gotten very comfortable with each other and he has begun venting to me abut issues he sees within the station and other workers. As an intern, I obviously do not want to get caught in between any of this so I have learned to just lend him an ear when he needs to share, but not let anything he says leave our small, sound-proofed studio.

The studio where the show is recorded
I have also noticed that aside from the extra projects we think of and create, there really is not much daily work to be done. We edit the commercials and promotions fairly quickly, leaving us with a lot of down time. Since I want to make the most of my experience there, I have tried my best to use this extra time productively. I have spoken to Ronnie about new projects, such as creating a Keek account for the Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. Because Keek is one of iHeartRadio’s clients, the station has been promoting the social media site and encouraging the members of the show to start an account. So yesterday, I went down to the sales office on the floor below us to talk to the Keek representative and see if we would be able to get the account verified. She seemed very excited about the idea and promised her help on this project.

During the show
Since the other two production/audio interns have been there for awhile and have a lot more experience than I do with the editing system, they are able to complete the assignments a lot quicker than I can. Although I am certainly improving, I know that production is not my forte. I am very happy to have the responsibility of this new Keek project because I’m hoping it will be an opportunity for me to show my value to the radio station. Ronnie has already commended the few ideas I’ve had for posts on the site, so I’m excited to get started on them as soon as we can!


  1. That's awesome you have other experiences interns working with you! What are the pros/cons to having this particular working situation?

  2. It's nice that your work environment is casual and you have fun with the people you work with. It's also very smart of you not to spread office gossip!
