Thursday, July 24, 2014

Changing Perspectives

   Looking back I really didn’t know what it took to run an Emergency Department in a hospital but now I see just how many people it takes and how they all have to work together. There are also so many people behind the scenes that don’t really receive any recognition and yet without them the ER wouldn’t be able to run as smoothly as it does. I think it’s important to be thankful for all the employees no matter there position.
   On so many occasions I witness grumpy patients that are just rude to the nurses or technicians when these people are only trying to help. If and when I ever have to go into the Emergency Room as a patient I will know that things take time, that I must be patient, and that I must be kind to all the people that I see there.

   One of the disappointments that I have come to find out is that when a trauma comes in, it is not always the intense accidents that I so wished to see all the time. Being in a hospital I thought there would be serious accidents coming in all the time but oh was I wrong. Yes, sometimes, serious things come in but most of the time it isn’t during my shift and I miss them. Being there long enough I’m hoping the odds are in my favor one time and I’ll get to see something really cool. Fingers crossed!


  1. This definitely gives me a new perspective on the employees at hospitals. I know that I personally am not fit for that type of environment so I am happy that there are people that are willing to work there! Good luck on the rest of your time there!

  2. It's cool that working at the ER really changed your perspective on the subject. Usually people are so impatient and frustrated waiting for hours and hours and don't really understand what goes on behind the scenes. Now you know that, it's impressive that if you ever have to go to the ER you won't get annoyed because you know the difficulties behind running an ER.
