Sunday, July 27, 2014

Week 3 On the Job

This was a slow week for me, no two ways around it. Only one real big event happened for me; on monday I entered a conference call with one of The UGA Vault's software developers and one of our other social media guys. It was the first time I've ever done a conference call on my own, but I was happy with the way I handled it. Speaking for the social media development of the app, I was able to throw around some of my ideas which were met with great approval, and the other two were pleased with the work/research I had been doing. I was able to set up a schedule of weekly social media posts with the other SM guy, creating ideas such as a trivia Tuesday, throwback Thursday, and a countdown to kickoff which would run on both Wednesdays and Saturdays. As someone who's never been completely enamored with social media, I've really surprised myself with the depth of my creativity well in that area, as well as my ability to market our product through social media and other means. I was able to get a bunch of friends and family members to download the app, which was good to see, but the best news came from my boss mid-week. Not only had we already touched more people than we had expected to with our recent efforts, but we received an email from a former military officer who mentioned that he's been using our app while serving overseas to remind him of his life back at home. It was a short yet powerful message, and it felt surreal to me. In my honest opinion, all that we have right now is a half-baked University of Georgia football highlight archive, and I couldn't have possibly seen it affecting people emotionally that way. But our app has. And if we continue to develop our idea and spread it out to all of the different schools the way we want it to, who knows how many hearts we can truly touch?


  1. I've worked with social media sites before and I know how challenging it can be to think up of new and intriguing material every week. It's great though that you've been able to provide innovative ideas! It must feel even more rewarding knowing that your work has more meaning to it than expected.

  2. Good for you for acting so independently, and more importantly successfully. It must feel good to know your hard work is making a difference.
