Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Post #4 - Changing Perspectives at Katz Direct

As I mentioned in my first post on this internship, this is really my first experience in an office/cubicle environment. Through working at Katz I have learned a lot about working in a professional atmosphere and have gained a really meaningful experience that continues to develop and expand as the weeks pass on. Though there is always work to be done and people who need assistance, the work can get very monotonous. The data that needs to be entered is often very similar, only varying in the name of the commercial or the television station on which the commercial will air. The process can therefore get a bit repetitive. Similarly, the filing can get excessive and the information on the documents is usually just confirmation of the allocations.

With all that being said, I am still thankful to have this opportunity and networking experience. I have learned a lot of useful information about office computer programs such as Excel and DDS as well as information on advertisement placement. My co-workers have all been very friendly and extremely appreciative of my assistance. Though I was expecting more opportunities to learn about the television industry, I am grateful for the experience and knowledge that I have and will hopefully continue to gain through the rest of this internship.

My job has not altered much throughout the first half of this experience although I do feel as if I am entrusted with more responsibility with each passing week. While the majority of what I do involves entering data into the system, I am definitely learning more about how the DDS system works. Though at first I was just doing allocations, entering the title and phone number linked to the advertisement, I am now creating new contracts and making more intricate changes in the system. This increase in workload has minimized the downtime I have during the workday, which I appreciate greatly. Prior to this change, I would finish the little work that I was given very quickly and would therefore have a lot of unproductive time to myself. I appreciate this change of pace and am glad to be able to make the most of my time at this internship.

1 comment:

  1. Although the work environment is not always exciting, you still learn a lot just from being a part of it. I do understand that it gets boring sometimes but it sounds like you are learning a great deal from the experience! Keep up the good work!
