Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 2: Getting to Know Your Colleagues at Phase One Network

As I mentioned in my first post, Phase One Network is a pretty small company and everyone knows each other pretty well. There are about eight to twelve employees and about three summer interns. When I first applied to internships, I thought I wanted to work at a large well-known company, but as the summer is progressing, I am realizing that for an internship you want to work at a smaller company; the reason behind this is because your interactions with people are personal and you can really get to know the people around you and make strong connections. I think there are some employees at my company that could possibly serve as mentors in the future. One employee has been working here since January and his official position is assistant to my boss, but in reality he's more than assistant. Even though he has only been working here for a short period of time, many employees respect him and trust his instincts  and ideas he suggests. Although his title is an assistant, he does everything within the company. He is so knowledgable about the music industry and is always offering me advice and guidance and he is definitely someone I think could serve as a mentor down the road. 


  1. I couldn't agree with you more that working in a smaller environment is more beneficial to a summer intern. I also have experienced a small office space with few colleagues and I have learned so much. Good luck with everything!

  2. Joshua,

    I agree that working for a smaller company really helps you build relationships because they may not be as developed as other companies and are more willing to listen to interns that might have a good idea to share! Its really great that you get to know your colleagues and maybe when you are looking for a job in the future they can help you out since you have developed a relationship! Good work!
