Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Week

Officially on my last week of work! Crazy how 9 weeks have already gone by!  I came into this internship knowing absolutely nothing about PR, aside from what the two letters stand for, and now I feel that I can even explain PR to a kindergartener – well, almost.  

Last week we finished our intern project which definitely helped me to understand more of the PR field as well as allowed me to learn the challenges and successes that are involved in both the PR world and the real world. I learned the importance of knowing your audience and keeping in mind the fact that the client is always the priority. In addition, I learned the importance of following up and being persistent. Most of all, I learned how to handle challenges and how to grow from them. 

After all of this, I have decided that PR is probably not what I want to do in the future. As much as I enjoyed my internship, I think I prefer a job in a different field, such as advertising or marketing. I am still glad that I took this internship though because I definitely learned a lot from it. In the end, I guess that is what internships are all about: learning what you like and don’t like and where you want to go from there.


  1. Sorry to hear that you don't want to go into PR after spending the summer working in that department! You have the right attitude though, people always say "It's just as important to find out what you don't want to do".

    As my summer internship comes to a close I'm starting to think about whether or not I would like to pursue a career in the department I'm working in now.

  2. I guess this is what internships are about. You may not be learning in the same sense that you learn from a lecture, but you get some very valuable ideas about what to do with your career and you understand yourself a bit more.

    At least that has been my impression as well. You get to learn what you like (or not, as with your experience as PR), and more obviously you get lots of hands-on experience you would never get in a classroom.

  3. It sounds like you've learned a lot this summer! I definitely understand where you're coming from, and I agree, that's what internships are about. Without this internship, you wouldn't have known whether or not you like PR!

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