Saturday, July 26, 2014

Madrid Internship - Post #4

Hi everyone,
After being an intern at 1 Kilo de Ayuda for several weeks, I’ve learned how to take initiative at times to introduce my own ideas and opinions. I had initially envisioned a job in which I would be handed projects as I finished them, always having one assignment after the other. However, there are instances in which there isn’t an urgent task for me to complete. Though it felt uncomfortable at first, I have to either seek out different projects with which I can help or propose my own. In my last two weeks, I suggested that I make a video, compiling all the clips that were available on the office computers. The only elements that my boss had suggested was that it include clips from their promotional events as well as their trips to improve health and nutrition in Latin America and Africa. It would have to be designed as a summary of the work that the organization had done that would also thank our supporters for donating and following our cause. I ended up making a video that gave a brief introduction as to how the organization works and a glimpse into what the NGO had been doing for the past several years. From this internship, I’ve learned to be more autonomous with my work and create deadlines for myself, without expecting direct instructions from others.
As for the work environment, I noticed from the first several days that the coworkers were very close and casual with one another. I hadn’t expected them, though, to be so welcoming to me and show genuine interest in my personal and academic life. After every weekend, they ask me what I did and what new city I explored in Spain. I am exposed to a work environment, in which everyone feels comfortable joking and chatting with one another. This kind of atmosphere appeals to me as the type of setting in which I would like to work in the future. 

Until next time,


  1. That's cool that you've been able to create your own fun projects to do for your company; I'm sure they're very appreciative of your eagerness to work, and I'm sure you like being able to work on whatever you please. Hope you're enjoying Madrid!

  2. Hi Hannah,
    I feel the same way at my internship in India! I've had to take a lot of initiative to create my own projects as my boss is not always giving me things to do. It definitely takes getting used to but it's rewarding to know that whatever I'm doing makes a big impact for such a small org. Good luck with the rest if your internship!

  3. This sounds like an amazing experience! I am glad you are getting exposed to an environment that is similar to a possible career in the future.

  4. That is amazing that you are in Madrid! I think being proactive is a common feature we are all finding, as my boss told me the same thing. Your eagerness to work will definitely get you far!

  5. That's great you are able to be so autonomous and create your own projects. I don't really feel that I have had the opportunity for this in my internship. My supervisor usually has me pretty busy with tasks that she needs for me to get done. I will try to be more proactive in future internships and propose my own ideas!
