Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Looking Back

It's crazy to think that my summer internship is already coming to an end! The time flew by, and as excited as I am to go back home and then back to school, I really will miss the internship. I had an amazing experience and really think I learned things that will help me in future jobs. But most importantly, I learned how to work. This was my first real job since I've always been a camp counselor in the past, so I didn't really know what to expect. I've never experienced working in  any sort of office-setting, so this has left me a great first impression. I respect the people that I worked with and know that they are the ones who really taught me how to be a diligent worker. They were role models for me all summer. I looked to them for everything, including their work ethics, and followed as best as I could. If they would have been sitting around checking their phones all day, I would have done the same thing. But their hardworking attitudes and determination to complete each task to the best of their ability motivated me to perform in a similar manner. Throughout the summer I have be thinking of things I learned in class at my office. Once they even mentioned "beat reporters," which I remembered was on one of my midterm exams last semester. However, it is not just my schoolwork that was reflected in my internship; my internship will be reflected in my schoolwork. I will be able to take things I learned this summer and apply them to my classes, making the experience extremely beneficial.


  1. It sounds like you really enjoyed your summer and learned a lot from your internship. Being able to apply what you learned there to other places whether it be classes or a future job is really important and something I think about daily. Personally, since my internship is in music I want to be able to use what I learn here even if I don't end up in the music business, this way my time here was well worth it.

  2. Sounds like you had a great experience Lauren! It's great to have great role models at work who model the way and demonstrate that hard work pays off. Congrats on being done, hope you enjoy some downtime in August.
