Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Changing Perspectives

Prior to my experience at Clarion Partners, I felt as though the office would be very high strung and uptight since I was working in fast-paced, downtown LA.  I believed that the work day would be grueling, as investment management is a very competitive industry, and stress would ensue.  I have found some of this to be true, but the workplace environment is definitely not all what I envisioned it to be.

While employees work very long hours and have a lot on their plate, I have not seen them get as worked up as I imagined them being.  They are constantly joking and having light banter, which I feel helps get their minds off of what is at hand.  I have learned that one’s time at the office does not always have to be work and that productivity and morale can be boosted by taking social breaks.  Many of my colleagues are in the office from 8 AM until 7 PM during the week and it simply isn’t plausible to work the entire time. 

Balancing work and social time can be difficult, but I have learned that it really is important to be happy and laid-back while you are in the office because it allows you to accomplish more.  The workplace is much different than college, in that it isn’t an option to simply miss it if you don’t feel up to going, so your attitude is pivotal to your sanity.  I look forward to my future in the corporate environment and I believe that my time at Clarion Partners has really prepared me for the transition.


  1. Alec,
    Sounds like you are learning some really valuable lessons that can be applicable to whichever field you pursue! It's great that you are being so observant and critical. Keep up your great work!

  2. It's got to be a great feeling knowing that the environment is not as fast paced and competitive as you expected. I completely agree with your point that you cannot work from 8-7 straight without taking any social breaks and that morale between employees is also important. I started noticing these things at my internship as well.
