Friday, July 18, 2014

Looking Back/Overall Insight at UrbanBound

I feel like I've come so far at UrbanBound. I have multiple projects that I have been working on and I know exactly what to do right when I sit down at my desk each morning. I have also noticed that my supervisors have given me much more responsibility because I have proven my capabilities. For example, I write multiple blogs on HR/Relocation for UrbanBound. My first few weeks, my supervisor would give me the topic and lists of other websites I can references and research for the article. Progressively, she started giving me topics but trusted me to find my own references. A few weeks ago one of my assignments was to come up with my own list of potential blog topics for her to review and then choose. Ultimately this week, she told me to just write a blog on whatever topic I see fit and that she trusted me. It's cool looking back on the progressive steps that got me to the point where I could sit down and write whatever I want. They also finally published my eBook that I wrote a few weeks ago on the differences between Baby-boomers and Millennials in the office! I definitely intend on making a portfolio with all of my work at the end of the summer which is something I wasn't expecting going into the summer!

Another great opportunity I had this week was meeting with my LSA mentor, Ilana Black. I am SOOO glad that I signed up to have a mentor through the UC 225 program. Ilana works in Chicago at an extremely cool advertising-research company called RocketFuel. This week she had me tour her office and then we got coffee. Her office was so cool. They had a huge kitchen and free snack pantry, a napping room, and even a massage room. All of their conference rooms were extremely high tech and modernly designed. She told me about how much she loved working there and made me interested in looking into their internship opportunities next summer. Over coffee, Ilana asked me about my internships and helped me find ways I can improve them. I told her I was getting kind of bored with my blog posts and she came up with the great idea to ask my supervisor if I can change up the format by maybe interviewing people in the office or making videos. I will be sure to bring this up with my supervisor next week!


  1. Jordan,
    It sounds like your internship has been a really positive experience. You've definitely proven yourself to UrbanBound and really developed your creative and writing skills! This internship will really highlight your independence and responsibility to future employers! Congratulations! :)

  2. Congratulations on the achievements at UrbanBound! This internship is only stepping stone of what other extraordinary feats you will be able to achieve in the future. Keep up the good work!

  3. Congratulations for exceeding even your own expectations for the summer! That's never an easy thing to do. Looks like you've set your self up nicely for the future, as well, so nice job!

  4. That's so great that you liked your LSA mentor. Seems like she gave you some good advice, and the fact that you hit it off makes her a great contact fort he future. Congrats on the progress you've made at this internship- sounds like a successful summer!

  5. It's amazing that you know exactly how you need to approach each day and you've learned so much in such a short period of time. It really sounds like your internship has been a positive experience. Congrats on having your ebook published too!
