Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week 4: Changing Perspectives at Phase One Network

Originally when I applied for an internship in the music industry and eventually when I started at Phase One Network, I wasn't totally sure what to expect, regarding the culture and atmosphere of the company. Initially, I thought the company would be very fast paced and hectic, where all the employees wore fancy clothing; however, none of this seemed to be the case. The company is very laid-back and all the employees have a strong social relationship. In staff meetings everyone feels comfortable speaking their mind and promoting new ideas they may have, and everyone seems to listen. I've realized that this type of environment seems more lending to success opposed to an uptight community where employees are too competitive and fear their higher-ups. Also, at most companies people work the classic 9-5 hours or something along those lines; but at Phase One Network, I was told to come in between 11:30-12:30 and stay until 6-7. At first I thought this was a bit strange, and assumed only my boss showed up at these times, but I noticed everyone who works here arrives and stays until those times. Personally, I was thrilled that I could sleep latter than usual. I'm not completly sure why the company chooses to open at such a late time, but I assume it allows all the workers to get a lot of sleep each night and therefore everyone at work is complelty focused on the task at hand rather than dozing off due to lack of sleep.

1 comment:

  1. My work place does the same with hours. My editor doesn't come in until around noon and stays until about 7. And writers that work around me don't come in until 3 or 4 in the afternoon but stay until 11 at night or when ever the paper is finished and ready to publish. It definitely makes you think about the structure of your day and the possibility that after graduation you won't necessarily be working 9-5.
