Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week 4: Progress

Although these past two weeks have been filled with very tedious tasks, we are making progress and closing in on our target goal. This week, we had finally finished reviewing the services in our database and compiled a report of viable services for this pilot at the Montefiore Medical Center. It was a long process but we managed to make it through the workload. In addition, my co-worker and I were able to complete the last of the user testing within our team. Now that we were able to test every aspect of the application, the only thing that remains is to have external user testing with professional individuals out in the field.

Our team is planning on going into New York city this upcoming Tuesday to meet with a social worker. During this meeting, we will be conducting a general user test to assess the quality and state of our application through professional eyes. As of now, my co-worker and I have almost written out a general guideline of how the external user test will be conducted. On Monday, we plan on finalizing any last minute details and having a trial run with the whole team for feedback.

I am extremely excited for this week because we had made a considerable amount of progress in this short amount of time. The feedback from the external user test with this social worker will be essential in determining our next steps for the application.

Sadly, I did not take any pictures this week because there was nothing new to capture on camera. However, I hope to have some picture for this upcoming week with this trip into New York City.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to see you are making progress towards your target goal. Hope you have learnt a lot through this experience
