Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Changing perspective

When I started this internship I thought it would be, for lack of a better word, more glamorous. I thought that I would be campaigning like they do on tv. However, this was not the case. My internship has been nowhere near as dramatic as the campaigns you see on the news and tv shows. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but everything is on a much smaller scale since it is a local race. This is cool because it offers a learning experience in a much more controlled and easy to handle environment. Instead of national news debates, the candidate I am working with did a debate at the local news paper. I got to see an interview conducted at the local news television station. That was one of my favorite parts of the internship, it was so cool to see the taping and the reportor/candidate banter in real life!

I have learned to not allow my self to get too stressed out because everything generally will turn out ok. When I was working on making mailing lists I would find myself getting stressed that I wasn't finishing fast enough, but instead of stessing I put my energy into working on the lists and doing my best. I would finish on time without the unneeded stress.  I also was really stressed out about knocking on doors, but that turned out to be not that big of a deal. 

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