Thursday, July 24, 2014

Week 4

When I first realized I was the only intern at Barr-Harris, I thought working there without anyone close in age would be very challenging. With no one to turn to, I thought I would often struggle and feel like I wasn’t suited for the job. But by the second week, I actually felt like an important addition to the office, and so far, I was successful in doing what I was assigned. Week 4 was when I was most challenged, but I found out how capable I really am, and that I don’t need other interns to fall back on. In fact, if there were other interns working at Barr-Harris, I think I’d find myself relying on them and constantly comparing my work to theirs. But so far this experience has shown me that I am very proficient and am able to do whatever it is I need to get done! For example, one of my projects involved me working with Microsoft Excel. Whereas normally I would turn to someone else and ask for help (since I am not really familiar with this program) I had to take a different path and figure it out on my own. Whenever I got stuck on something, I would google it and follow the steps to figure it out and fix the problem. It made me feel really good to turn in the assignment knowing that not only I was able to help the company by getting it done correctly, but also that I learned how to use Excel on my own, and that could help me in the future.

The people that I work with have really opened up to me, and they recently invited me to a fundraiser event that they attend every year. I’m really excited to be a part of the company outside of the office and be a part of this special event.

1 comment:

  1. That's crazy that you're the only intern (and that they didn't tell you that beforehand). There were three other sports interns in Baltimore with me this summer and I definitely relied on them earlier in the internship. So I can see how it might be a little more difficult, but a lot more rewarding, to take on the experience on your own.
