Friday, July 25, 2014

Networking Committee

As part of the internship program at Cardinal Health, every interns has the opportunity to participate in one of 6 committees.  The committees offered include the Social Committee, the Professional Development Committee, the Tours Committee, the Community Service Committee, the Communications Committee, and the Networking Committee.  I choose to be on the Networking Committee and was in charge of helping to plan different networking events for the 100+ summer interns.

One of the first events we planned was a intern Networking Speed Dating Event.  This event consisted of interns having one on one quick conversations with each other about topics/questions that were projected up on a screen.  This was a great way to quickly get introduced to the many interns and find out more about their backgrounds and where they were working within Cardinal.  The room got loud very quickly as we were all really energetic during our talks.  After it was done I felt like I was going to lose my voice from trying to talk over the person next to me!   
 Speed Dating Networking
Another event I helped to plan was a employee panel.  This panel consisted of 7 different Cardinal employees from different areas of the company and a variety of backgrounds.  For example, one of the employees was a former intern at Cardinal who was now working full time.  Another employees was a Senior Vice President who had worked at another company for over 20 years before joining Cardinal.  It was interesting to hear the variety of perspectives on leadership, networking, and working at multiple companies vs. just one.  I enjoyed being able to organize the event and ask the questions to the panel during the panel. 

Employee Panel


  1. That's great that you took initiative and became part of the networking team. I think networking is so important, because even if a business deal looks great people work with who they like and trust before checking if the numbers work. Good luck on the rest of your internship and continue to gain networking experience.

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun and a great idea. You always need an ice-breaker activity to make sure everyone feels comfortable and gets to know one another so this was the perfect thing. This reminds me of some of the ways I got to know other Michigan students during orientation! The networking event also sounds like a success. Networking is key in any business and it's great to get to know other people you don't always directly get to work with. Great job!

  3. Emily,

    Networking in this day and age is very important to have because the younger generations use social media as a way to connect with one another. It was a great idea to have icebreakers because it gets everyone a little more comfortable and get to know each other, who knows maybe one of the people you met could be you're business partner in the future!
