Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Team

Throughout the summer I have had the opportunity to interact with all the members of the eCommerce Digital Marketing team that I am interning with.  My team is in charge of handling all of the web content that is on the Order Express website that is used by pharmacies all over the United States and Puerto Rico to order inventory for their pharmacies.  Our team is broken down into 4 subgroups that all work together to make Order Express function.

The first group is the Client Services team.  This is the team that I am working with the most closely this summer.  This team works with our internal clients to help them publish content to the website that is relevant to our customers at the pharmacy.  We have weekly meetings to talk with the clients about what campaigns and promotions they will be running and relay that information to the Web Operations team.

The Web Operations team is in charge of publishing the content that the clients want to see on Order Express.  The help to write the codes and oversee the projects from an idea to publish on Order Express.  They work closely with the User Experience team to make sure that the content they are publishing is user friendly and will be relevant to the customer.

After the content is published and is live on the web, the Data Analytics team tracks the content and measures how many people see and click on different pages.  They can also help associate how much revenue is made by associating how many people click on different pages and their buying patterns.

My team has been great to work with this summer and I enjoy learning about different aspects of the Digital Marketing.      

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    It's great to hear that you are getting to exposure to the many different facets of the eCommerce Digital Marketing team and that you are enjoying working with them! :)
