Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week 7: Kenneth Cole Productions

Kenneth Cole is well-known for being a philanthropic fashion business.  So, one morning of the program all the interns get to take part in community service in New York City.  Today, I was lucky enough to spend my morning representing what Kenneth Cole is about, but also making a difference in the lives of young children.  Instead of going to the normal office, each intern went straight to Port Authority.  At Port Authority there was a gated area in which all the Kenneth Cole interns were able to volunteer for the Fresh Air fund.  The Fresh Air Fund is a non-profit organization that provides free summer experiences to millions of children in the New York City area who come from low-income communities.  Before the children are sent off to the camp, they go to Port Authority to meet.  At Port Authority I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with the children.  We put on fake tattoos, colored, played card games, and more.  Last week I also attended a resume building workshop, which was really helpful because I was able to hear from the head of human resources herself.  She explained all the do's and dont's of resumes, which I was able to then take those tips and apply them to my resume.  The resume building workshop was definitely helpful.  My internship in general has been really rewarding, for I have truly begun to understand how a fashion business runs and operates as well as grasp a greater understanding of the marketing industry.  I have learned a tremendous amount so far and have met many remarkable, hard-working individuals.  My boss is extremely supportive and always keeps us motivated.  LSA has prepared me for this internship because through the classes I have taken I have learned diligence, persistence, patience, and most importantly how to work hard, stay focused, and give every project/assignment, no matter how big or how small, my all.  


  1. Wow! Sounds like you're having a great experience. Having the opportunity to help make those kids day better seems like a great change of pace from the normal office setting. While I'm interning at a fairly large company, they do not have an internship program so I am the only one. It seems like being in a designated program has been very helpful to you and part of me wishes that I had that same type of experience.

  2. That is awesome that the company is giving back and having fun!

  3. That last statement is really insightful. It's important to put a full effort into everything, no matter how unimportant something may seem. I'm sure your employers and everybody else noticed and really appreciated your hard work!

  4. Wow, this is awesome! Not only is Kenneth Cole an incredbily large company but it is awesome to see that they ar philanthropic as well. I am also quite amazed that they allow their interns to go to events like this, awesome idea as it promotes a great work atmosphere for potential future employees.

  5. Kenneth Cole is an incredible company, I applied to internships there for this summer also! You read about all of the philanthropic things companies do on their websites and it sounds like a lot of it is just fluff and stuff for consumers, but to hear it first hand from someone new to the company it's great that they really live up to their reputation. You're very lucky!

  6. That is so amazing that Kenneth Cole has their interns partake in a philanthropic event. It's really nice to hear that this actually happens because I feel as though it is so often that we hear about fashion designers being centered around philanthropy but it's hard to know how true this statement actually is.
