Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Looking Back

As I near the end of my internship I am able to confidently look back and be proud of the progress I have made and work I have done. I have solely two weeks left at F-Factor, which is sad because I have certainly enjoyed my experience and have learned a great deal about the fields of nutrition, marketing, public relations and more.

When I first began my internship at F-Factor I was overwhelmed because I was not sure how the company worked and I was unaware of how to complete certain weekly tasks. I soon got into the groove of the environment and have improved my work. My communications classes at University of Michigan have assisted me in this internship because I work on the social media and public relations aspects of the company. For example, I write a weekly newsletter including foods to factor in and out, interesting summaries of recent nutritional studies, blog articles for Fox News, restaurant reviews, social media posts and more. In my communications classes I have learned how to attract an audience through my words as well as visuals, which are the main concepts I apply to my internship in order to further help the company succeed and gain greater publicity.

You can check out the latest Fox Blogs that have been published here: http://www.foxnews.com/archive/tanya-zuckerbrot/index.html


  1. I had a social network component to my internship as well. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to and I won't be able to take any of UM's communication classes, so you're lucky. It's great that these classes were useful to you!

  2. I had a social network component to my internship as well. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to and I won't be able to take any of UM's communication classes, so you're lucky. It's great that these classes were useful to you!

  3. Sounds like you've been having a great experience and your work looks awesome!

  4. It sounds like you're doing a lot of great things and it's great that you're able to connect to communications classes!

  5. I want to read some of those latest stories! Sounds like you are doing a great job and learning a lot from your different experiences.
